About F9

And so it is…

We are a long way from that rainy day back in February 2012 when F9 was first conceived. Named after the notable recalculate button on Microsoft Excel, the weapon of choice for Accountants, F9 has its roots in Canary Wharf and was originally devised to service the Banking and Financial Services PSC Contractor market.

We have now serviced over two thousand clients expanding our offering across multiple sectors. With our strategically located offices covering London, Essex and Manchester we provide bespoke, tailor made services encompassing all aspects of statutory reporting, taxation, advisory and consulting to individuals and small to medium sized corporates.

As practising regulated members of the ACCA we are a small contemporary firm of Chartered Certified Accountants who put our clients first.

With nearly a decade of trading history we know how important it is to build long term relationships and how important it is for clients to have on demand support, being able to contact us and get a timely response, when they need it.

Although comparatively small, our extensive and nationwide network of partners enables us to offer BIG4 solutions to most scenarios at an affordable price.

We incorporate the best aspects of a traditional accountant such as face to face meetings and tailored advice along with the more progressive aspects typically associated with online providers such as cloud accounting, live management reporting and digital compliance.

We sit in partnership with our clients and together navigate the meandering road to success.

Meet The Team

Sometimes it’s nice to put a face to a name. Our team are based in London, Manchester and Brentwood, Essex. Click to discover who we are and how, with the support of our network of partners make F9 what it is today.

Devaki Shanbhag FCCA


Kristian Coles
Kristian Coles ACCA

Practice Manager

Sydney Squirrell

Administration Executive

Arosha Rambandara MBA

Client Manager

Hanh Lu


Tony Russell Dip PFS

Financial Advisor

Ahmad Sheikh

Client Manager

Daniel Walker

Client Manager

How we work

Did you know that unlike solicitors, who have to be a member of the Law Society to use the term “Solicitor”, ANYONE can call themselves an ‘Accountant’!

Only Accountants who are practising members of a professional body recognised under Royal Charter can call themselves a ‘Chartered or Certified Accountant’.

We are regulated practising members of the ACCA with a commitment to the ACCA Code of Ethics. We have dedicated policies and practices in place around our interaction with clients which include Anti Money Laundering, Client Engagement, Fee Terms, Client Funds & Professional Indemnity.

We work to the fundamental ethical principals as set out in the ACCA rulebook:


We will be straightforward and honest in all of our professional and business relationships, ensuring fair dealing and truthfulness in all of our activity.


We will not show bias, or allow conflict of interest or undue influence to compromise our professional or business judgement.


We agree to maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure our clients receive a competent professional service, provide diligently with technical expertise.


We will safeguard the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of our professional and business relationships. We will not disclose any such information without specific authority, unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose.

Professional Behaviour

We ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and commit to engaging with clients in a courteous and considerate manner.


As practising members of the ACCA, we abide by and are regulated by the ACCA code of ethics and conduct . We are registered HMRC Agents and regulated by HMRC in relation to Anti Money Laundering.

Anti Money Laundering

When you become a client of F9, we have certain obligations to ensure we know who you are, what your business does, to assess the origin of funds and assess who is the beneficial owner of funds. This may seem a little intrusive however without performing AML checks we will be in breach of our responsibilities under Anti Money Laundering regulations.

Our obligation requires us to obtain information that may include:

  • Details of your business or employment
  • Copies of recent and current financial statements
  • Details of the relationships between signatories and any underlying beneficial owner
  • The expected level and type of activity that will take

The Money Laundering Regulations also require us to check your identity and establish the source of funds in any entity or associate entity under our engagement.

In general, your identity is made up both of your name and current address and, thus, a combination of checks need to be carried out. Accordingly, for all clients we need to see one item from list A and one item from list B.

We need to see satisfactory identification for each client, that is each Director, Shareholder, Sole Trader or Individual for whom we are performing a service, or who will derive a benefit.

We will need to take photocopies of the items provided and certify them as being true and correct. In the event of you being unable to provide such items or you not being a UK resident then please contact us as soon as possible to discuss the matter further.


  • A current signed UK Passport
  • A current UK photo card Driving Licence


  • A utility bill (gas, electric and water) less than 3 months old
  • A council tax bill for the current year
  • A bank or building society statement or pass book
  • A mortgage statement less than 3 months old from a recognised lender
  • A local council or housing association rent card or tenancy agreement

We cannot accept mobile telephone bills, car insurance documentation, store card statements, or credit card bills.

Our Partners & Accreditations

Good things come in small packages, and never has this been more true than with F9. Simply because we are not one of the Big Four, doesn’t mean we do not have access to specialist knowledge, services and products.

‘We are small, but we are mighty!’

With our network of business partners we have direct access to specialist expert knowledge, skills and services which enables us to provide our clients joined up solutions.

Our business partners provide best in class support, advice and services ranging from corporate and personal finance, insurance and legal services through to development finance, invoice and ledger factoring, Insolvency, recovery and recruitment solutions.

City of London

Second Floor,
10 Trinity Square,
London EC3N 4AJ
Phone: 0207 100 1080

Canary Wharf

29th & 37th Floors
One Canada Square,
Canary Wharf, London E14 5AA
Phone: 0207 099 1080


First Floor
81-85 High Street,
Brentwood, Essex CM14 4RR
Phone: 01277 223 278


Chancery Place
50 Brown St
Manchester M2 2JT
Phone: 0161 820 1080

Opening Times

Monday – Saturday
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM