COVID19 is an unprecedented global problem. It will have a profound impact not only on us personally, but undoubtedly it will have a devastating impact on the economy and our way of life in the short term. Obviously the most important concern in times like this is our health and that of our loved ones, but we must work hard to ensure our livelihoods both now and post contagion.
Business as usual
We are working hard to mitigate the impact of the virus, not only on our business, ensuring our staff are safe, but we are assisting our clients in these difficult times, providing advice and updates to help them manage the situation. We are on hand to provide advice and support. We are offering free consultations to everyone and can provide guidance and real world solutions on how to resolve issue and problems over the next few week.
Tools available
We are working with HMRC and government agencies to provide access to the latest tools and policy objectives to assist weathering this storm. We can provide advice on Staff and Statutory Sick Pay, Government Backed Loans, HMRC taxation deferments and ultimately managing suppliers payments in general and ultimately any potential insolvency situation.
Brighter days ahead
It is extremely hard in times like this to see light at the end of the tunnel, however history tells us that we will overcome this adversity. When we do come out we will need small businesses to drive recovery. Both government and creditors alike must be sympathetic to the financial position in which we may find ourselves, by working together will can ensure we continue with normality and continue to grow.
I wish you all good health and the best of luck over the next few weeks.
Daniel Ruthven FCCA
CEO & Founder